Customer Spotlight
Meet Chris Miramontes! He’s 50 years young from Southern California and is a Firefighter/Paramedic – Thanks for your service, Chris! Chris’ fitness routine includes weightlifting and CrossFit, and he’s been a Crossfitter for over 15 years. His favorite lifts are snatches and deadlifts. Chris has been using the LiftCollar for over a year now and we checked in on him to find out when and why he uses the collar, and if it’s been helpful.
“The LiftCollar has allowed me to continue lifting at a sustained level day after day even when my collarbones are sore. The ability to go from heavy jerks one to thruster to clean in a single lifting cycle is very doable without jacking up my shoulders or neck. As I’ve gone older, I’ve learned that chicks don’t dig scars as much as I was led to believe, and taking care of my body is more important if I want to continue making gains.
It is extremely helpful and I will continue to use mine throughout my lifting journey.”